UM Libraries - Fall 2021

Tim Norris -
Angela Clark -
Kineret Ben-Knaan -
Jason Cohen -
Leah Bamford -
Esploro Faculty Profile Enrichment
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Outline | Introduction
Esploro, Pure, and Faculty Profiles

Elsevier Pure > ExLibris Esploro : approximately one year

Summer 2021 Pilot Faculty Profile Enrichment
Fall 2021 Manual Faculty Profile Enrichment with Liaisons
Spring 2022 Launch campus-wide change management program
Summer 2022 Smart Harvest automatic profile enrichment
Outline | Esploro Faculty Profiles
Login to Esploro Admin Interface *

* Google Chrome seems to work best

Outline | Esploro Faculty Profiles
Faculty Profiles

In Esploro admin interface and select ‘researchers’ in the top left search bar, enter the researcher’s last name and press ‘enter’

Outline | Esploro Faculty Profiles
Faculty Profiles

On the 'Affiliated' tab, locate the researcher and click on the elipsis on the far right of the researcher row -> choose ‘view public profile’

Outline | Esploro Key Concepts and Terms
Key Concepts and Terms



Can be any research output. May include peer reviewed articles, blog posts, conference presentations, and so on.



Any researcher that produced an asset in the repository. Can be affiliated or non-affiliated. The affiliated list comes from a Workday daily feed. Does not include staff or students unless manually entered.

Central Discovery Index


The CDI. ExLibris' proprietary database of known assets.

Smart Expansion


A manual process run in the Esploro back-end in which known researcher-asset matches are imported into the repository based on C Numbers and DOIs.

Smart Harvest


Either a manual or automatic process run in the Esploro back-end in which known ExLibris' proprietary machine learning process attempts to match existing researchers with assets in the ExLibris CDI.

Researcher Set


A manually created set of researchers used in Smart Harvest.

Outline | Esploro Key Concepts and Terms
Processes and Responsibilities








Maintain proprietary Central Discovery Index



Smart Expansion

Internal Esploro Implementation Group

Import metadata from CDI from known asset-researcher matches based on C Number and DOI

Fast computer job


Manual Smart Harvest

Internal Esploro Implementation Group

ML based matching of assets in ExLibris CDI with researchers in Esploro. Researcher set created in Esploro back-end and is limited to five researchers. Author matches can be automatic or manually approved (very strong, strong, uncertain)

Slow computer intensive job


Author Matching


Manual approval of matches from Smart Harvest (very strong, strong, uncertain)

Slow human job


Smart Harvest


Esploro back-end job that runs on a weekly(?) schedule to capture new assets/publications


Outline | Researcher Status Before and After Smart Harvest




Pre-Harvest Assets

Post-Harvest Pending Assets


Chao, Sonia, Raquel




Barnes, Germane





Timpano, Nathan, James

Art & Art History




Coakley, James

Mechnical and Aerospace Engineering




Zhou, Yiqun





Liang, Liang

Computer Science



Connolly, Jennifer, Marie

Political Science



Gonzalez, George, A

Political Science




Fernandez, Dina

International Studies




Rattan, Rishi

UMMG Dept. of Surgery




Jaimes, Natalia

UMMG Dept. of Dermatology




Natori, Yoichiro

UMMG Dept. of Medicine



Outline | Author Matching Workflow
Outline | Author Matching Workflow
Basic Author Matching Workflow
... assess each asset in filtered list for match approval and ...
- or -
Outline | Author Matching Workflow
Open Author Match Task List in Esploro

There are two ways to open the author matching task list.

Outline | Author Matching Workflow
  • Control the facets or filters on the left.
  • Each active facet or filter will be displayed near the top of the page under the search bar.
  • The "Status: Pending Approval" facet will always show for author matching tasks.
Outline | Author Matching Workflow
Esploro Author Matching Workflow

* When no researcher C.V. is available, the asset match assessment is based on “external” comparison by using other metadata sources.

Useful information to compare can include:

  • names and affiliations
  • publication year
  • journal title
  • publisher
  • conference name
  • abstract
  • metadata quality
  • etc

login and navigate to tasks filter tasks approve author match reject author match
Outline | Author Matching Workflow
Esploro Author Matching Workflow

* When no researcher C.V. is available, the asset match assessment is based on “external” comparison by using other metadata sources.

Useful information to compare can include:

  • names and affiliations
  • publication year
  • journal title
  • publisher
  • conference name
  • abstract
  • metadata quality
  • etc

login and navigate to tasks filter tasks approve author match reject author match edit asset and correct author make note in teams excel verify chapter authors note asset type for later correct authors as needed check for missing information correct asset type after approval
Outline | Author Matching Workflow
Approve Author Match

> back to workflow
Outline | Author Matching Workflow
Reject Author Match and Delete Asset

> back to workflow
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Replace Researcher
Replace Author for Asset
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Replace Researcher
Replace Author for Asset (first screen)
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Replace Researcher
Replace Author for Asset
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Replace Researcher
Replace Author for Asset (add correct author)
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Replace Researcher
Replace Author for Asset (save)
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Note in Excel
Make note in Teams excel file
  • In Teams look for "Esploro Profile's content issues" tab
  • Click "+ New" and make notes on:
    • Researcher Name
    • Primary identifier / author C#
      In esploro click on note card next to author in left column
    • Provisional asset ID
      noted in the center column of the asset in Esploro
    • Your Name
    • other fields not required

> back to workflow
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Book Chapters
Edit Authors Book Chapter
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Book Chapters
Edit Authors Book Chapter (first screen)
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Book Chapters
Edit Authors Book Chapter (edit author)
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Book Chapters
Edit Authors Book Chapter (delete editor)
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Book Chapters
Edit Authors Book Chapter (approve match)
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Book Chapters
Edit Authors Book Chapter (approve match)
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Book Chapters
Edit Authors Book Chapter (editor ~ contributor)
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Book Chapters
Edit Authors Book Chapter (editor ~ contributor)
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Book Chapters
Edit Authors Book Chapter (editor ~ contributor)
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Book Chapters
Edit Authors Book Chapter (save)
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Book Chapters
Edit Authors Book Chapter (delete extra chapter)
... if needed ...
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Bad Asset Type
Asset Type is Incorrect
Simply make a note of this (title or asset ID).
You cannot change the asset type before match approval, instead we must approve the asset and then make the change after approval.

> back to workflow
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Correct Co-authors
Correct co-authors
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Correct Co-authors
Correct co-authors
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Correct Co-authors
Correct co-authors
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Correct Co-authors
Correct co-authors
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Correct Co-authors
Correct co-authors
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Correct Co-authors
Correct co-authors
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Correct Co-authors
Correct co-authors
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Correct Co-authors
Correct co-authors
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Extra information
Check for and add/
correct extra information
Edit the asset and double check metadata
Entirely Optional
  • DOI
  • abstract
  • other contributors
  • key words
  • page numbers
  • ... &c

> back to workflow
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Bad Asset Type
Search for asset and change asset type
Outline | Author Matching Workflow: Bad Asset Type
Select asset type and save
Outline | Author Matching Strategies
Approaches to Author Matching
  1. Use analytics dashboard to identify matches
  2. Download task list and manage in Excel
  3. Approve all known matches and then mass delete
Outline | Author Matching Strategies
Use Analytics Dashboard
Power BI Esploro Dashboard
As an alternative place to manage the match list
Outline | Author Matching Strategies
Download Task List

As an another alternative to manage large lists

Outline | Author Matching Strategies
Mass Delete

You can identify all known matches and then mass delete everything else for a researcher

Outline | ORCID
ORCID for the Researcher
If they have an ORCID and you have it
Optional, but a best practice
  • Search for researcher in Esploro
  • Edit researcher and navigate to "Identifiers" tab
  • Add ORCID if not there
Outline | ORCID
ORCID - search for researcher

In Esploro admin interface and select ‘researchers’ in the top left search bar, enter the researcher’s last name and press ‘enter’

Outline | ORCID
ORCID - edit researcher
Outline | ORCID
ORCID - identifiers panel
Outline | ORCID
ORCID - add identifier
Outline | ORCID
ORCID - add and save